Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Does anyone else ever wonder what happened to the people...

Current mood: contemplative

You spend 9 of your most informative and personality developing years with pretty much the same group of people. I wonder sometimes about those other people.
The grammar school I went to was k-8 so you'd think we'd all be pretty well bonded. Alas, that is so not the case. From what I remember the area was fairly affluent and to say it kindly, my shopping wasn't done at the GAP.
It's sort of sad to know how completely unrememberable I am. I wasn't the strangest, by far I wasn't the prettiest. Hell, I wasn't even the poorest. Does anyone remember odd little Lindsey from grammar school? I died my hair pink once if that helps.
But I guess it doesn't matter. I remember lots of people. I remember playing sax with Cassidy and Curtis played trumpet. I remember goofing off with Ariel, Alex, Billy, Chris, Doug, and Alex. I remember cussing Jered. I recall how every girl fancied Tim and Randall and Charlie. I remember the popular girls, Ashely, Linsey, Tiffany, Danielle, Kelly, Courtney, and Brittany. I remember some of the girls that weren't so popular like Kia, Edith, and Naomi, they were all extremely nice people. Do you remember Michelle? how crazy smart she was. And Tall Sara. I couldn't even be the tallest girl. Rachel was a good pal of mine. Then there was Kristin. There was another Sarah that moved.
I remember Joey and Jeremy. I'm certain there are more that cross my mind, but those are some that I periodically think about. OH and Daniel, I didn't forget you either, I heard you got taller by the way.
I wonder if it's weird that I think about people like that. But then I remind myself that it was 9 years. Why shouldn't I wonder about them?

Currently listening :
Life Is a Grave & I Dig It!
By Nekromantix
Release date: 10 April, 2007

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