Saturday, July 5, 2008

Every so slowly down the proverbial drain

Unemployed, behind on every bill, completely out of money. My temper is way too hot and the fuse is way too short. Did I mention my health isn't that great either? between the upper respiratory infection and the cervical problems I don't know what to do. it's not like i can run over to the doctors office or anything. Child support is just enough to keep me from getting medicaid. If there is anything more I could screw up I'm sure I'll find it.

To say i'm down would be a huge understatement. Huge.

Not to say that there aren't good things in life too. My kids are great. A little wild at times and stubborn as all get out. The boyfriend situation is still good. My bad mood is probably f'ing that up though. I really try but sometimes I just can't stop myself from mouthing off when i know i shouldn't. Goes along with me being a moron I guess.

At this point,if I didn't fuck something up I'd think the world might explode.

So, after all the complaining I need a course of action.
I'm still looking for a job. I have a week to apply to about 20 more places to keep my TANF standings, which I won't be approved for btw. I make 7 dollars too child support.
1. Look for a job.
2. Call mortage company and see if I can get a deferment
3. Call car loan company and see if I can get a deferment
4. Call contractor again and try to get the air cond. fixed so we can stay home.
5. Contemplate life and figure out what it is that I want.
6. Try very, very hard to watch what I say and how I say it.
7. Try very very hard to get more depression meds.
8. Look for a doctor that will see me about my cervix knowing I can't pay for it.
9. Try not to run away.

Friday, April 25, 2008

I'm just saying is all.

Shark kills triathlete training at Calif. beach

Attack happened near Solana Beach in San Diego County, authorities say

Okay, so guys, lets train for a race by swimming in one of the nations most shark inhabited waters!
Really, I feel for this guy's family. But at the same time I'd like to point out that perhaps, just maybe, you shouldn't swim in someones food bowl. Just a thought.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I was writing too much on myspace, so I moved it all here again. Thanks!

Does anyone else ever wonder what happened to the people...

Current mood: contemplative

You spend 9 of your most informative and personality developing years with pretty much the same group of people. I wonder sometimes about those other people.
The grammar school I went to was k-8 so you'd think we'd all be pretty well bonded. Alas, that is so not the case. From what I remember the area was fairly affluent and to say it kindly, my shopping wasn't done at the GAP.
It's sort of sad to know how completely unrememberable I am. I wasn't the strangest, by far I wasn't the prettiest. Hell, I wasn't even the poorest. Does anyone remember odd little Lindsey from grammar school? I died my hair pink once if that helps.
But I guess it doesn't matter. I remember lots of people. I remember playing sax with Cassidy and Curtis played trumpet. I remember goofing off with Ariel, Alex, Billy, Chris, Doug, and Alex. I remember cussing Jered. I recall how every girl fancied Tim and Randall and Charlie. I remember the popular girls, Ashely, Linsey, Tiffany, Danielle, Kelly, Courtney, and Brittany. I remember some of the girls that weren't so popular like Kia, Edith, and Naomi, they were all extremely nice people. Do you remember Michelle? how crazy smart she was. And Tall Sara. I couldn't even be the tallest girl. Rachel was a good pal of mine. Then there was Kristin. There was another Sarah that moved.
I remember Joey and Jeremy. I'm certain there are more that cross my mind, but those are some that I periodically think about. OH and Daniel, I didn't forget you either, I heard you got taller by the way.
I wonder if it's weird that I think about people like that. But then I remind myself that it was 9 years. Why shouldn't I wonder about them?

Currently listening :
Life Is a Grave & I Dig It!
By Nekromantix
Release date: 10 April, 2007

Joe Strummer

This article was brought to my attention. By god this man is right!

Thanksgiving Calling

Besides family, health and friends, here's another thing I'm thankful for. I was asked to write a little something for a Joe Strummer tribute in Scotland... Doing so, I remembered just how grateful I was he showed up on earth while I was around...

There was no one like Joe Strummer. There is a lineage, of course. Woody Guthrie, Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan...I was always staggered by his voice. It was like a shaman should sound. If Roy Orbision sang for the lonely, Joe sang for the hungry.... His voice was liquid desire and it ignited as it left his mouth, his body shaking to contain the heat, like a rocket in the first phase of lift-off.... He was a pioneer who demanded art and politics be fused in the interests of humanity and truth. Often the truth was painful, just as often it was liberating, transcendent, and just plain fun. He was an icon of unrivaled integrity... Billy Brag said if it weren't for The Clash, punk rock would be just a sneer, a safety pin and a pair of bondage trousers... it sounds right to me... It's been said Strummer reinvented rock. That sounds right too. I know for certain he challenged, inspired and demanded us to think and feel in ways we hadn't before... demanded we use rebellion and anger as fuel for the journey to other, better worlds, never as an end in itself. Demanded we reach for the transcendent in everything and everyone, and to never suffer those fools who will not think and feel their way home. He was a guiding light and he got us out of many a tough jam. Knowing him, I was always humbled by his grace and intelligence, his passion, and the sheer ferocity of his will... and Jesus Christ that man could fucking rock.

Food for thought, Animal Rights vs. Animal Welfare

Info found here.
I found it VERY interesting.

Animal Rights?.......WRONG!

For the amount of money raised and spent by U.S. animal rights groups
every animal in America ought to have its own condominium.

Why then, do more than 15 million pets a year end up in under funded local humane shelters with overworked staff who are frustrated that they cannot even adequately feed and care for them?

Animal rights activists cannot blame researchers, hunters, circus owners, meat-eaters, fur-and leather-wearers, breeders, fishermen or zoo keepers for the sorry condition of shelter animals. It is the animal rights movement which has turned its back on the suffering of these animals.

But the animal rights agenda goes far beyond the narrow issues. Animal rights groups such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) want a nation-wide ban on fishing, for example, and an end to all meat eating, which they consider cruel. Opposing hunting is just a way to get a foot in the door. PETA is so committed to the rights of animals that it even advocates an end to keeping dogs and cats as pets.

The animal rights movement's main goal is not, and never has been, to save or help animals.

Its mission is to market its philosophy and lifestyle to the American public. Shelter animals are sacrificed in the short-term so that animal rights groups can gain the money, power and influence needed to sell their view in the long-term.

ARA Tactics :

ARA (Animal Rights Activists) propaganda routinely makes fictitious claims, in order to win support, and of course money, from people who have no access to other information. They utilize terrorism to propagate their narrow, ignorant views as fact to uninformed members of the public in order to achieve their goals.

The Department of Justice says there have been more than 313 instances of animal-rights violence in the United States.

The A.L.F.(Animal Liberation Front), which has caused tens of millions of dollars in damage to U.S. research labs, factory farms and fur farms in 15 years of existence, has been branded a "terrorist" organization by the justice department and the FBI. Alex Pacheco, chairman of PETA, told The New York Times,

'Arson, property destruction, burglary and theft are 'acceptable crimes' when used for the animal cause.'

Rodney Coronado, a member of the Animal Liberation Front, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 57 months in prison for the destruction of an animal diagnostics research lab at the University of California, Davis in April, 1987 (total damage estimates: $4.5 million).

PETA sent $ 45,200 to Coronado's 'support committee,' which was a sum 15 times greater than what PETA spent on animal shelters nationwide in all of that year.

This is what happens when social movements self-righteously believe they are so obviously correct that they may break the law with impunity and attack indiscriminately both persons and property who get in their way.

ARA taking care of themselves, not animals :

Eleven million animals are destroyed annually for lack of facilities. Yet PETA spent less than $ 3,955 of its $ 12 million in fiscal 1995 and $ 6,100 of its $ 10.9 million in fiscal 1996 for shelter programs, according to its nonprofit tax forms filed with the IRS.

So what has PETA done to help these homeless, hungry and sick animals and others that suffer and die in shelters each year? According to its FY 1995 tax documents, next to nothing.

Less than $5,000, or .03%, of PETA's $13.4 million budget was allocated to shelter or spay and neuter programs in the U.S.

90% of the $1,485,076 PETA donated, or $1.3 million, went to itself-that is, PETA's satellite offices in Germany, The Netherlands, and England. Next to PETA's overseas offices, the next largest donation, $45,200, was sent to animal rights terrorist Rodney Coronado to help him avoid going to jail for fire bombing medical research facilities. Coronado is now serving a 57 month jail sentence.

The Humane Society :
HS, for its part, raises and spends close to $50 million, enough to bank roll at least one well-run animal shelter in every state and have enough left over to spay, neuter, feed and save the lives of tens of thousands of dogs and cats every year. So how many HS-run animal shelters benefit from the HS budget? ......None.

The Humane Society does not operate a single shelter, despite a $ 40 million budget.

Yet ...

The HS managed to pinch enough of its precious pennies to pay its president, Paul Irwin, $237,831 and its chief executive officer, John Hoyt, $209,051 in addition to providing tens of thousands of dollars in bonuses to the pair.

These figures alone should be enough to convince you that your time and money would be better spent elsewhere.

ARA and medical research :

Would you be willing to sacrifice your child's life so a rat may live?

That is what the ARA are asking of you. Without animal research, life saving treatments and vaccines for everything from diabetes to polio would not exist. Most Americans support and benefit from medical research involving animals. In the United States all drugs must be tested in animals before being tested by human beings. Typically, animal rights activists are often ignorant of even basic scientific and medical concepts.

Animal research has provided

  • 50,000,000 prescriptions for antibiotics
  • 30,000,000 prescriptions for asthma
  • 3,000,000 operations under local or general anaesthetics
  • 180,000 diabetics kept alive with insulin
  • 90,000 cataract operations
  • 60,000 joint operations
  • 15,000 coronary bypasses
  • 10,000 pacemakers implanted
  • 6,000 heart valve repairs or replacements
  • 4,000 congenital heart defects corrected
  • 2,500 corneal transplants
  • 2,000 kidney transplants
  • 400 heart or heart/lung transplants

ARA says "Most animals used in research are cats, dogs or monkeys."....Not true!

The real figures are:

  • Rats and mice 83%
  • Fish , birds and reptiles 12%
  • Other small mammals 3%
  • Large mammals (cows, etc.) 1.3%
  • Dogs and cats 0.4%
  • Primates 0.2%

* NOTE.....Animal Welfare is not the same as Animal Rights. Animal Welfare provides information for improved animal care and use in many fields. Animal Welfare's goal is the improvement of the standard of living of ALL animals, no matter their purpose. Animal Welfare is also of value to legislative and regulatory authorities and other organizations responsible for the welfare of animals. Animal Welfare does not support/condone the beliefs or tactics of the ARA.

Please DO NOT support Animal Rights Activists.

No cat anywhere ever gave a straight answer...One of those meandering self indulgant blogs.

No cat anywhere ever gave a straight answer...One of those meandering self indulgant blogs.

"I would tell you what you want to know if i could mum, but I be a cat. And no cat anywhere ever gave a straight answer."

That is one of the mottos i go by. that and my favorite live for the day slogan "carpe jugulum".

Sometimes i wonder if mine should be "carpe testiculum". you figure it out.

I often wonder if i'm really all that compatable with anyone. sure i can get along, and play nice, but how much is that just me acting. Or am i acting, how is it that i don't even know. How can I be myself and not really know who i am.

I have always felt lost, and at times sinking, not so much the latter right now.

my thoughts on D.I.D. (damsel in destress) :

I am not a D.I.D. I'm not about to be gobbled by a dragon. I don't need a knight. and I'm not broken. I'm just not put together quite right. Everyone, i mean everyone, needs to stop trying to fix me.

I keep making poor choices. What's up with that? Really? At some point or other you'd think I would learn something.

work is still going very well though, and for that i am very thankful.

I can only give so much. So much time, so much money, so much ego boosting. This goes for anyone. I run out. So if you use me up don't be all suprised when I turn into a moody broke bitch.

but yeah, i give straight answers about as often as a cat does...

Nothing puts me quite such a good mood as V.

Current mood: vibrant

I'm not questioning your powers of observation I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.

But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona.

VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

Currently watching :
V for Vendetta
By Steve Moore
Release date: January, 2006

I’m curious like a ferret

so, on the side of my page it says "meet tattooed singles in your area".

really, there's enough for a web page?

my curiousity won't let me not click the button. Fortunately all my little internet safety things didn't beep and flash at me. I'm still going to scan in just a sec.

Anyway. so i sign up cos I just have to see this. So, it turns out that is just All the tattoo stuff is dropped right away.

So, LIARS! hahaha.

Anyway, here's a part i found crazy. By the time I had my profile filled out and a really terrible picture of myself thrown up (check out the pictures of me with my ferrets, it was one of those) I had no less than 9 emails from guys or automatic matches or something like that. If it wasnt' automatic...What the hell are these guys doing? "omg, someone new! *pounce*"

so, that experiment complete I promptly deleted my account. I got the free peek inside the world of . sooooo not impressed.

Pointless little adventure I thought I'd share with you all.


Tattoos and the bible

Just doing a little research. here’s the first finding that I wanted to share.
Sacred Ink: Tattoos and the Bible

My favorite Unhappy ending movie

some lines from "Closer"

Dan: Didn’t fancy my sandwiches?
Alice: Don’t eat fish.
Dan: Why not?
Alice: Fish piss in the sea.
Dan: So do children.
Alice: Don’t eat children either.


Dan: You love her like a dog loves its owner.
Larry: And the owner loves the dog for so doing.
Dan: You’ll hurt her. You’ll never forgive her.
Larry: Of course I’ll forgive her. I *have* forgiven her. Without forgiveness we’re savages. You’re drowning.


Anna: Why are you dressed?
Larry: Because I think you may be about to leave me and I didn’t want to be wearing a dressing gown.


Larry: I think you owe me for deceiving me so exquisitely.


Dan: When I get back, please tell me the truth.
Alice: Why?
Dan: Because I’m addicted to it. Because without it, we’re animals. Trust me.


Alice: I don’t want to lie. I can’t tell the truth. So it’s over.


Larry: There’s a girl out there who calls herself Venus, what’s her real name?
Alice: Pluto.


Alice: Where is this love? I can’t see it, I can’t touch it. I can’t feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words, but I can’t do anything with your easy words.


Anna: Love bores you.
Dan: No, it disappoints me.


Its a very rare person who is taken for what he truly is.

You think on that for a while.

If the right shows mercy, I’ll use the left hand

Current mood: breezy
Category: Life

Man, tax season is finally over! I've been working sixty plus hours for a few weeks now and tomorrow is my first day off since Easter! Whew! What a ride.

I've missed my kids more than anything. People don't understand that they are pretty much the reason for my continued existance and if I can't see them my battery runs down. We are watching Bear in the Big Blue House right now. It's awesome.

Anyway, while this season was harder than last year, I found it more enjoyable.

What made it better? To put it simply. Friends.

This year I have put myself out there and made new friends at work. So to Geannie, Ruthie, Julie, Jonathan, Lydia, Kandy, and Heather,THANK YOU SO MUCH!

And though I wouldn't exactly say we are boosum buddies, thanks to Steve, Jamie, Brian, Dan, and Marshall too! Little pointless banter now in then does me a whole heck of a lot of good!

Life is looking up!

And to my outside work friends, Jessica, Alex, Katie, and Noelle, you guys rock too. Thanks for being there for me!

You guys make work something to look forward to!

And Who Could Tell the Dogs from the Men

And who could tell the dogs from the men
Current mood: adored

"I've seen their faces and I know where they've been. I know I'm with them but I ain't like them!"

Man oh Man was the Murder by Death show everything I hoped it would be! Wow!

Lets recap the weekend shall we? Here Here!

After not being at work since Tuesday night, I was feeling pretty darn good! Tax season wore me to peices and I am so glad thats over with. So, it's time to celebrate! My friend and co-worker Geannie and I went out for a night on the town along with her main squeez Dr. Terry.
We started the evening by me showing up late to her house and then going to FoodWorks for dinner. Expensive, yet oh so yummy. The she-crab soup was divine and the candied shrimp was delectable. The asian dumplings were also quite tasty once you got past the fact that it looked like a pregnant squid died in a basket and you were going to eat it with chop sticks. Had a BlueMoon or two and saw a guy drink Konyak (sp?) with this cool glass holder thing. And then to top it off Dr. Terry paid! Rock and Freakin' Roll! It was much appreicated and unexpected.
Then we went to Big River for more beer and carrot cake. Zooooomg... You guys know how much I love me some carrot cake.
Next it was on to the Big Chill, i think that's the order anyway. It was so packed though we just hung out by a pin ball machine for a drink and then bounced out.
Last stop Hair of the Dog for a beer or two more and then we were all getting tired so after we found out that Hair lost Dr. T's debit card we took a ride back to Geannies were I crashed for a couple hours before getting up again.

6 am and trying to navigate my hungover self around someone elses home, quietly! Not certain I accomplished that. But I did get my dry blanket and made it to the Riverfront on time. DRAGON BOAT RACES! whoot. For me this day included me sitting in the sun all day and hanging out with Biker Jon and his busty redheaded sister Ruth, both of which are my new work pals. (haha, I called ruthie a busty red-head!) It was a fun day, being in the sun, being around people who make me happy. Just an awesome day. Then (finally) I got some dinner over at Big River. Biker Jon and I had a couple beers with our pizza and I got totally buzzed. It was funny.
Then it was drive like hell to pick up my peeps to go to Murder by Death.
Now my sister, my brother, and my psuedo little brother are on our way! Made it to Atl in an hour and 15 minutes. Don't try that. We missed the first band, but that's okay. O'Death was really good and had a interesting sound. I dug it. Then, the main event.
at this point i've had three more beers after being out in the sun all day. so i'm trashed. And I'm singing and dancing and enjoying the complete extasy that is MBD. Oh heavenly father, thank you for this band!
After the show my sister had to drive home. She did well!
Copped out on letting ZBP stay the night with me for which i feel really, really, really guilty. Sorry guys!
Slept til 11:30
Then picked up the lil' bros and took them to the skate park and took my dog betty to the dog park. Lovely sunny day!
Home by 5:30, got the boys, had dinner, and watched Bee Movie for the 800th time in two weeks!
Grand Weekend indeed!

I'm always swimming against the flow of the tide

For now though, I'm happy with that. Perhaps I'll just float along for a little while, content with all these happy feelings.

Something in me has changed. I don't know what it is. The lord has flipped a switch and suddenly I've found myself at the edge of that desert I've been lost in. But where to now? I'm holding two tiny hands and two little faces look up to me already knowing that I'll take care of them. On my own? No, with family, they've followed me here as well. With friends that I've picked up along the way, they've joined this caravan for a while too.

At the edge of the desert what have I found? paths. ocean. mountains. woods so dense that the light barely shines through. Here I am with all these people and still no idea of where to go.

This is a thought that used to terrify me. How will I do this? How do I know what to do?
Now though, with this utter peace that has settled upon me and this new happiness that I can help but let shine through, I know everything will work out. I have FAITH that everything will be fine.

So with a tune in my head that no longer holds darkness, I venture forth, content with what I've been allowed to have and happy with my life.


I'm working on a speech a presentation for school. The instructor told us to pick any word and write about it. Well, obviously it needs to be a word I feel something about. It needed to be something I can talk about with strength and conviction. So, besides my children, God, and my family what is there? What is one word that drives my passion for life?


It drives most of us doesn't it? To some degree I hope that is true. Music has a rich history in human society. Tribes celebrated with drums and reed flutes. Percussion drove their feet to dance and pray. In high Europe artist such as Bach and Beethoven set the world on it's heels with the pure genius of what they could produce. All over the world there is music. If there have been people, there was music. I would wager that Eve and Adam even sang while living in the Garden of Eden.

Music reaches into our souls. It touches us and guides us in so many ways. When you drive down the highway on your motorcycle don't you hear music? Even with out the stereo? What did you listen to the last time you were heart broken? Or in love? When you were a teenager and felt that no one understood you, where did you turn? To your music if you were like me.

Music bridges gaps between us. We may like similar music or share similar tastes or it may even be the difference in taste that intrigues us and brings us together. It may be the message with the music that binds us and keeps us driven.

God even speaks through music. When you go to church and the lord fills your senses and you open your mouth to rejoice, what do you do? You sing. When the angles announced the coming of Jesus Christ, they sang. Choirs of Angles. Oh, angles we have heard on high! Can you even begin to imagine the glory of heaven's music?

We can go places with music that free us of our earthly worries. My imagination soars through unknown realms when I open my mind to music. Instrumental or with lyrics your mind is free to walk along paths that your feet may not follow.

There is a diversity in music that directly reflects our world. Literally hundreds upon hundreds of genres. Anyone anywhere is bound to find something that touches them and inspires them.

Can music be misused? Of course it can. Because music affects us so strongly it can be used to send negative, poisonous messages. For some people the passion that they find in this music can become overwhelming. So here I have a word of warning, enjoy your music, but keep that logical part of your mind aware of the dangers that could lurk.

Most importantly though, find music that moves you! Through music you can find a passion for life, love, God, EVERYTHING!

Now I'd like to encourage you to go here.

Close your eyes, listen and let your mind wander.

This is the starting point for my speech. All out of order and such, but for a nice 3 minute rant, not too shabby.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Tennesse-Georgia Land/Water Dispute

I feel that since most everyone else has thrown in their two cents that I should as well.

As I'm sure you are aware, the Georgia government has made the most blunerous announcement that they want the border between Tennessee and Georgia revisited with the intent of taking a bit from Tennessee in order to procure some water.

First off, I'd like everyone who has, to unwad their panties. It won't happen. The federal government is very unlikely to allow this to occur.

What Georgia has managed to do is to ignite a small border dispute that will be fought out by the most ridiculous people for the most ridiculous reasons. In my head I imagine a blur of mullets and flannel. Of course it won't just be them. NEVER GIVE HUMANS A REASON TO FIGHT! We'll take it and run all over the place with it.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

It takes but a leap

Today I read a bittersweet story in the news.
To summarize, an 11 month old baby boy was found alive in a field after the terrible tornado yesterday. His mother died in the same storm.
This tiny being survived among crushed houses and tossed cars. To me this is confirmation that there is a higher power. To me, it's God/Jesus. To you, maybe not. That's not really the point now is it.

Good things do happen. That baby survived something enormous. It is sad that his mother did not but at the same time we don't know if she was good or bad or how this will effect the boy. Maybe it will end up advancing humanity. Maybe it will just make him hold his own children someday when it storms and comfort them. We have no idea.

What this did bring up though with a co-worker who was "playing the devil's advocate" was the ever popular religious high downer "then why do bad things happen to good people?".

My answer is short and simple. Take it or leave it. If being a faithful follower of God (which ever religion) was easy then everyone would do it. No questions asked. If every Christian had a terrific life and never had a care in the world because nothing bad would ever happen to them because they believe in Jesus Christ, then everyone would want to be a Christian because it'd be a charmed life and provide proof that it is the correct religion. (I only use Christianity because I'm Christian, but you can insert ANY religion).

If times are though, if bad things happen, if evil is in the world, then you have to have faith that God knows what he's doing. It's all a test of faith.

I'm no expert though. I don't question it all too deeply.

That's it though.

Simple enough?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Rest in Peace (or pieces as the case may be)

RIP little bunnies

In a sad turn of events today a mother rabbit's unrelenting desire to leave the safety of the bathroom resulted in the death of two kits. Already morning the loss of one kit a few weeks ago, this comes as a hard blow to the rest of the house hold. The two surviving kits were returned to the bathroom and seem to have only suffered emotional scars. Therapy will be provided to them to return them to the tame loving pets that they were meant to be. Kit care services will be interviewing the mother to ascertain whether charges will be filed against her.

A suspect has been apprehended and charges are pending. However, defense has already released a comment stating that the ferret is a born mouser.

But really, two dead bunnies and a proud ferret. What's a girl to do?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

24 minutes

I just have a few minutes til i'm off work til tomorrow. I've been at the top of an never ending stack of paper work for days now. Finally I've made it to the bottom.

I read a horrible story today. A 2 year old boy froze to death because he got out of his house in the middle of the night. What a nightmare it must be for the mother. My heart goes out to her.

Alternately, I got to listen to some little prissys at work talk about getting married. At 19 they know all about marriage you see, and know that they are SO ready for it. How cute. I was married when I was 19. It's not fun. Not even a little. It's stressful, and lonely if you end up with someone like my ex.


Well, I really don't have much insightful to tell you today. Sorry. But then we'd be going on the assumption that I ever said ANYTHING insightful.