Friday, June 1, 2007

Tonight, for the first time in a long while

I am actually going to celebrate my birthday. not just go spend money and justify it with my birthday. I have not celebrated since I turned 18, 6 years ago tomorrow. That changes tonight though. My friends band (Death Valley Driver, out of Chattanooga) is playing at my favorite Watering hole "Ziggy's". they even put that it's my day on their flyer (well, one version of it anyway!). I don't count on many people actually coming to celebrate me, but i'm sure as hell going to pretend that's what they are there for! I'm even going to be able to get Patrick in and all he has to do is man a camera! After the show we are gonna go to some chicks graduation party ( i don't mind sharing and butting in on other peoples parties!) I'm sure I'll get at least tipsy while over there. I think someone else wants us to go to their house too, but i just don't see how we can fit it all in. When i get home from work i have to redye my hair too. and that takes forever! plus i need to fix my bangs. stupid things and their jaggedness! Anyway. I even have a new outfit to wear tonight. i'm gonna look purdy!
Then tomorrow i'm gonna help out at a benefit for Nathan! I was going to help set up, but i just don't really see that happening. I'm thinking more of showing up around noon and staying for clean up. Then i just have to procure dinner and it's off to a look outs game! Nothing like free tickets and it's something i can do with friends, and thats really all i want out of a birthday anyway. Sunday i'll get my kids back early and go over to moms to celebrate with my family. that's going to be fun!
I miss jessica too. I haven't seen her enough lately. I've been busy, and she's got to take care of nathan, and i don't want to intrude on that. Nathan's super cool too. I'm enjoying all of my new/renewed friendships. It's funny how lonely you realize you were once you have good friends again. Hopefully i get to keep them!
you know, i love blogging. even if there is no point what so ever. makes me feel good. i don't really read the clever analytical one's anyway. i want to know people's personalities not thier politics. but that's just me!
Hugs and such,

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