Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Other readers response, including the one defending the idiots

Reader's comments

Does it MATTER if the windows were rolled down? NO. Does it MATTER how long the child was in the car? NO. It MATTERS that the child was TIED in the car and could not leave although it was hot. Peanut77, I certainly hope you don't have any kids. Or is this article about you?

SR - Jun 13, 2007 08:10:10 AM Remove Comment

How dangerous and utterly irrisponsible. chidren are not dogs! Even if it's not hot outside he could have been kiddnaped, raped and murdered! it is the job of the parent to protect their offpring It's a genetic predisposition If you neglect and abuse your child like this, i have to wonder about your humanity. And as for the Christian bit, I believe Jesus said to care for the little children, not put them in fatally dangerous situations. I truely hope that the justice system takes care of this. Feel free to read my blog i'll write about this later today at grayhermia. blogspot. com. look for my rant after lunch.

Lindsey Stephenson - Jun 13, 2007 06:47:41 AM Remove Comment

Maybe I missed this but where did it say anything about them being christian or going to church? Sorry to be a bother but I was just curious what that was all about. What did the child do that caused him to be punished in the first place? Also, are the police sure about how long he was out there? Were the windows rolled down? Was air able to circulate through the car at all?

peanut77 - Jun 13, 2007 12:32:27 AM Remove Comment

Perhaps they were just trying to excise the devil from the unruly spawn. Yes, it's true. Nothing will happen to them. I'll put in a good word to the DA for them. Good christians stick together.

Bob Reid - Jun 12, 2007 07:56:00 PM Remove Comment

I left my child in a hot car also, and nothing happened to me. These parents have nothing to worry about.

Robert Reid - Jun 12, 2007 07:48:01 PM Remove Comment

Maybe they should tie them up put them in a car in the middle of the afternoon and see how they like it

chuck Taylor - Jun 12, 2007 05:01:07 PM Remove Comment

I am sure they are good christian people, so all charge should be dropped immediately. members of my church will vouch for them.

bob reid - Jun 12, 2007 04:46:08 PM Remove Comment

Hang those parents from the nearest tree. Then ask God what the hell he was thinking when he blessed those mofo's with a child in the first place.

Pitiful Parents - Jun 12, 2007 02:59:55 PM Remove Comment

Seriously, what is wrong with these parents? I can't believe they did this to their own flesh and blood.

Me - Jun 12, 2007 02:56:05 PM Remove Comment

I am outraged by this story. I cannot believe that someone would be so stupid. This is pure evil. THis child-and any other child these people have need to be taken away from them and never be returned. They should be charged with attempted murder and spend the rest of thier lives in prision.

Soddy-Daisy Citizen - Jun 12, 2007 02:47:29 PM Remove Comment

I heard about this on my way to work this morning. It is such a shame and it makes me so angry. I hope the boy is taken away from those people and placed with someone who will love him!

Jamie Creason - Jun 12, 2007 02:17:10 PM Remove Comment

Another example of why some people should not be allowed to reproduce! This just makes me so mad! Poor child! No telling what else he has been put through!

Are you kidding me? - Jun 12, 2007 01:14:32 PM Remove Comment

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