Wednesday, June 13, 2007

old mean blog off myspace that i did a while back

his smile was infectious, but then again, so are measles...
Current mood: SPOON!

i'm sooooo tired of seeing little "goth" kids. now, i'm not talking about 'goth' kids, see the difference in the " " verses the ' '. here is my beef with the "goth" kids. A pentagram, penta being 5, haS FIVE points. and it's upside down if you're trying to be all "evil". What i keep crossing paths with are "goth" kids with the star of david. That is a jewish symbol. Now, I don't know much about the devil other than he is 'evul' (haha) but i don't think he typically can be exchanged with judism with out anyone noticing.

And there is this band, or this guy or something called H.I.M. man that sucks.(the music, lyrics and vocals that is, I'm sure he or they are lovely people) any way, that whole heartagram thing has to be the biggest pansy (not the flower) looking thing eva! nothin' says dark bad ass like a heart, awwweee. so, there are my thoughts on that.

I was just reminded of another band. Avenged sevenfold. first what ever could need avenging seven times over? anyway. Awesomely great sound. there music rocks soooo much. that is, until the guy starts singing. Who IN ThE HELL SINGS LIKE THAT TO THAT KIND OF MUSIC?!!!! it's like all whiney and bitchy and moany. I want to have the impulse to headbang or breaksomething or just yell and throw my arms about when I'm listening to rock. I DONT want to have the impulse to change a diper cos somebody is whining like a baby. COME ON! and also, i'm anti-drugs, illegal and misused, so the lyrics don't typically sit well with me either. but i could totally overlook and even enjoy the lyrics if they were sang by someone hard and edgie and didn't go "woe oh oh oh". ARRRGGG!

i'm cool with people having different religons and beliefs so long as they actually have them. i don't think either god or the devil fancy being a fashion accessory. that's just me though. i'd have to ask to get offical conformation.

Not that i'm one to shove Jesus down throats or anything, but i saw a nice bumber sticker the other day (yay bumpersticker wisdom) and it said something to the effect of "give jesus a try, if you don't like him, satan will always take you back".....yep......."Shit happens" is also a fav. I do hate the ones with the man figure (like on bathroom door signs) the woman figure (same thing only with a skirt, cos all gals where a skirt ***) = marriage. where's the love in that little equasion? (i can't spell) I don't care what you have in your pants, if you love each other and only each other and want to live a good life together, you have my blessing. of course my blessing doesn't really count for anything cos, ya know, i'm not the government.

*** they should just post genitals. it's much more specific.

lets see, what kids have a stomach virus and cos the peachcare website is set up stupid they don't have insurance right now. that big part time job i have (haha) put us over the income limit for medicaid. arrggg...

have you ever cleaned up really runny mucusie poop? it's not as fun as it sounds. the wipes just kinda push the stuff around rather than get it up. hurray for a deep sink and a spray nossle. (and bleach, for after of course, in the sink, not the babies, geez)

i had to miss most of a day of work today...yep..if it hadn't been for the poop it would have been pleasant. stupid poop.

the weather totally rocks today. it's all warm and pretty.

i saw a commercial for my school on tv last night. SUPER cheese. i'm gonna have a chat with the pr guy. i mean come on! who falls for that. (yes i realize that i go to that school, but its convienant.) they should put me in a commercial. "Come to NTC 'cos its cheap, close and easy!" Right now there slogan thing is "what did i get out of NTC? A JOB!" yeah, i don't have any complaints about that....but it could be better! I'll let you know if i think of anything. And the guy on the bilboard! AHHHH the teeth are sooooooooo white!

so, by this time you might be wondering "whose smile is infectious?" it's a funny line from a book. the blog title that is .

i'm 'sharing' music on very addictive. i just want so many songs i don't know where to begin.

okay, i guess that's it. oh, does anyone know of any places to go in atlanta when you're not 21? k. thanks.

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