Monday, August 6, 2007


I've noticed, and been guilty of myself, people complaining about getting out of this town. This town being any town anywhere. As I've aged I've still had the impulse to leave. But in fact what I wanted was not just to leave, but to run away. So, instead of leaving, I have found that making new friends and dumping (quietly and in a non official sort of way) the old ones. This doesn't mean that you start some huge fight with the old friends or anything, but sometimes you just need something fresh. Sometimes its those friends that are making you want to run. Maybe not them, maybe people or situations related to them. All you have to do is stop going to the same old places. There's no where else to go? at all? not a different coffee house in the next one red light town over? Not a park? No close cities? I different field? Come on!
Hell, cut your hair and dye it black or red or go blonde. Any change to help regulate yourself.

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