Monday, September 10, 2007

My space bulletins

I like them as a general rule as long as they aren't threatening. For example, I really hate the ones that say "I'm checking to see who my real friends are on here, repost this or I'm going to delete you". Well, first off, hopefully, your real friends are the ones with whom you have contact with out side of myspace and you'll already know not to delete them. Secondly, if you have to threaten to remove people just to be sure they still want to be your friend you may need to seek some kind of therapy. And if I am on the end that is expected to repost that, go right a head and delete me. there are several million people on myspace, any one of which can take your slot on my friends list. I won't be heart broken.

Another one that bothers me. It ends up something like "Repost this if you love god and want to prove it". I'm sure the lord is up there keeping tallies of who reposts that. My feelings and beliefs about god are not going to be summed up by a short zealous bulletin.

The last one is more something that bothers me on a different level than the others. The one's previously mentioned just annoy me. This one, it bothers me deeply. The one with picture after picture of abused children and it reads "stop child abuse". I'm sorry, I really don't see putting pictures of those suffering children out there like that. And it doesn't even offer any tips for prevention. No lists of what to look for, who to contact, available resources. If it is just asking me not to beat my own kids it needn't have bothered.

On another note, I really enjoy my on-line journal/blogger thing. I know many people do. I'm just glad that mine really only appears here.

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