Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I'm always swimming against the flow of the tide

For now though, I'm happy with that. Perhaps I'll just float along for a little while, content with all these happy feelings.

Something in me has changed. I don't know what it is. The lord has flipped a switch and suddenly I've found myself at the edge of that desert I've been lost in. But where to now? I'm holding two tiny hands and two little faces look up to me already knowing that I'll take care of them. On my own? No, with family, they've followed me here as well. With friends that I've picked up along the way, they've joined this caravan for a while too.

At the edge of the desert what have I found? paths. ocean. mountains. woods so dense that the light barely shines through. Here I am with all these people and still no idea of where to go.

This is a thought that used to terrify me. How will I do this? How do I know what to do?
Now though, with this utter peace that has settled upon me and this new happiness that I can help but let shine through, I know everything will work out. I have FAITH that everything will be fine.

So with a tune in my head that no longer holds darkness, I venture forth, content with what I've been allowed to have and happy with my life.

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