The Take a Glance Campaign I've been thinking about it and I'm going to start a campaign. There already is one about not leaving your kids in the car, so I'm going for the social responsibility side of the coin. For now I'm going to call it "Take a Glance", simply because thats all it would take to save a baby left, forgotten in a car. I'm going to post things year round. When I get the funds I'm going to make stickers and flyers.
It can happen any time of year. We hear most of the stories in the summer, but it happens in the fall too, when the temperature of a car rises above that of the outside air, just as it does in the summer. It also happens in winter, when the reverse happens to the children.
So, to reiterate my last blog, Take a glance in the cars you pass as you go to work or cross the parking lot into walmart or wherever you might be.
It's so insainly simple.
3:56 PM - 3 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment | |
 | Easy Fix In the news I have heard far more than is reasonable stories about children being left in hot cars all day to die. It is, of course, the responsibility of the parents of said children to prevent this. However, that isn't enough for the children who have already suffered their fates.
There are millions of people on myspace. Suppose we all take the time while walking into work, wal-mart, or where ever, to casually glance in the back seats of the cars we pass. How many of us would find a small child? How many of us would save lives?
So far this year more than two dozen children have died this way. I'd like to think that we can stop this. It's such a simple thing to glance in a car. I'm challenging you, the reader, to do just that.
Thank you, and if it suits you, please repost this. Imagine if one million people took the time to glance.
Thank you. 3:05 PM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment | |
08/16/2007  | I’d gladly pay you tomorrow for a sticker today Current mood: annoyed Category: Life Okay, my eldest started kindergarten recently. Things have not gone smoothly. Everyday he comes home cranky and every morning its a battle to get him to go back to school. He went to head start for the past two years, so I know he can handle school. My child is a very bright, yet very stubborn child. With the exception of the first two days of school he has been sent home everyday with a note in his agenda about his behavior. "not minding" "not paying attention" "tried to strangle a child in line" (yeah...he got a whoopin for that one) "misbehaving in line, and lagging behind the class" and my favorite "poking holes in his work" He also writes his name in the shape of a rainbow, on purpose, and the teacher is none to happy about that. So I talk to him. Tell him school is important and he should listen to his teacher. That, natrually, does no good. So finally we ask "What, if anything, do you do when he misbehaves" I consider this one mystery solved. "first warning, no sticker, second warning five minutes from recess, third warning ten minutes from recess, ect. Today was better, but still not sticker behavior." She actually expects my child to obey on the promise of getting a little cheap ass sticker in his agenda for the day. Well, hell, he knows he can take a dollar down to the dollar tree and get a hundred of those stickers. And a few minutes out of recess? What does that matter when he does what he pleases all day long? Where's the time out? Where's the trip to the principles office? Heck, where is that quick smack on the butt? Not that I want them to beat him senseless, but the boy is used to people backing up their demands, and a sticker just isn't going to cut the mustard. The teacher has failed in his eyes to establish herself as an authority figure. I can do all I want at home and it won't help her out any. He knows that's a different place with rules he is creating himself because so far the worst that happens is that he goes back inside early. Come on! That might work on the other kids, but not mine! He knows how to work the system. That's my kid.
5:50 PM - 3 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment | |
06/28/2007  | i feel like yoko I can't make friends. It's pointless. It seems I'm too head strong and opinionated and pushy. I had a really great group of friends, that i loved, that made me so happy to be around, and now, it's not the same. I started seeing one of them. Which shouldn't be a huge deal since the other two are a couple. to we were two pairs instead of one pair and a couple wheels. But then, there was a situation that escalated very fast based on facts that were presented. Then, like with all things that escalate, it went to far. Now, I just can't make myself want to face one of the others. who is part of a couple. so it makes it hard to see the one I'm not mad at. And out of loyalty or personal disgruntled-ness "my" quarter of the group won't see the same person. again making things difficult for the...hell. It makes it hard on Jessica. I know she's going through a lot what with taking care of Nathan, but I'm just still so mad at him. More than mad. I'm disappointed that things turned out this way and i can't help but blame him. And now it looks like i betrayed Jessica. Which was not my intent. but I'm sure it doesn't matter. the thing is. I saw this band, twice, and spoke with them. I said that I'd like to try to do a write up about them in enigma. they said cool. Well, through a case of mistaken Identity they thought Jessica was me, and instead of admitting it they said I referred her to them. Which I didn't. I'm sorry. I never brought Jessica up. Because I wanted to do the write up. Because I was the one who spoke when them and saw them live. It just makes sense. Well, I emailed them to see if they still wanted to do the interview. They made no mention of Jessica. She has a ton to do anyway and I'm sure they don't want to wait til she has time, and besides, let me say this one more time, I saw their performance, and listening to their recordings is nothing in comparison. I could be wrong about the mistaken identity part, i don't know what was said to whom. Just that Jessica told me that they said I referred them to her. Yes, at this point i should have said something. but i had already emailed them my questions and i honestly didn't think it would turn out as well as it did. I put off telling her for when I knew if it would go in the paper or not. No point in bringing it up until then, that's what i thought anyway. Well, I didn't get confirmation that it would get published. I didn't find out until she emailed me about it. So, I feel like Yoko. I've broken up the band.
There's more, but that's enough for now. 5:12 PM - 2 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment | |
06/04/2007  | There is simlpy no excuse The disappearance of Madeleine McCann occurred on the evening of Thursday, 3 May 2007, when a then three-year-old British girl Madeleine McCann went missing from a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in the Algarve in Portugal, in which she was staying with her parents. Madeleine, who was in a bedroom with her two two-year-old siblings, was initially thought to have only "wandered off" by Portuguese Police, but further investigation by Portuguese police suggested an abduction. To read more about this google it or just go to 1:58 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment | |
 | Blog Because it's easier for me to blog at work with a diff. site, check here to read my stuff if you so choose.
5:24 AM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment | |
05/30/2007  | Exactly! Genius! Current mood: Insuperable Never mind man biting dog ... Artist eats Corgi to protest British royals' fox hunt; Yoko Ono also tastes it LONDON - A British artist has eaten chunks of a Corgi dog, the breed favored by Queen Elizabeth II, live on radio to protest against the royal family's treatment of animals. Mark McGowan, 37, said he ate "about three bites" of the dog meat, cooked with apples, onions and seasoning, to highlight what he called Prince Philip's mistreatment of a fox during a hunt by the Queen's husband in January. "It was pretty disgusting," McGowan said of the meal, which he ate while appearing on a London radio station on Tuesday. Yoko Ono, another guest on the show, also tried the meat. "I've never tasted anything like it — it was grey and had a very funny smell. It was horrible," McGowan told Reuters. Queen favors Corgis McGowan said he was angry that the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, of which the royal family is a patron, had not prosecuted Prince Philip for hunting and killing the fox. The RSPCA said the fox did not suffer. Corgis are the favored dogs of the queen, who has owned more than 30 of them during her reign. The dog died of natural causes at a Corgi breeders and was prepared and cooked by others for McGowan. McGowan is well known for his outlandish performance stunts. He ate a swan in another protest against the queen. Swans are protected by the monarchy 7:15 AM - 5 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment | |
05/25/2007  | ATTACK! Current mood: silly ***I have sores on my feet. I think it's nice to have a good story to tell people about visible wounds. So, when asked "Lindsey, what did you do to yourself?" I reply "I tried to reconsile with my mortal enemy the flip flop. Negotiations failed and a battle ensued where the flops did flip, gravely wounding my feet. Did the wretched shoes survive? Nay, they have paid dearly for their betrayal!"*** 6:08 AM - 2 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment | |
05/24/2007  | GET HIM FRANK! There are no words, nothing, that can describe how I feel about this.
One Charge Dropped Against Robert Reid Criminally negligent homicide charge remains
Richard Simms
WTVC-TV NewsChannel 9
May 23, 2007 - 12:45PM
Prosecutors have dropped the most serious of two charges against a Chattanooga man whose 15 month old son died when he was left in a sweltering car outside the family's business. Hamilton County District Attorney, Bill Cox, agreed in a court hearing today to dismiss an aggravated child abuse charge against 43 year old Robert Reid. A charge of criminally negligent homicide in Timothy Reid's May first death will be presented to a grand jury. The boy's father remains free on a $1,500 bond. Dozens of the family's friends, and members of their church, attended the court hearing. Reid was accompanied by his wife, Beverly, and a brother. Defense attorney Jerry Summers said the justice system can't punish Reid the way he is being punished inside.
Police have said the boy was unresponsive when discovered in a car seat in the father's BMW M5 sedan parked outside the family's business. Tests showed the temperature inside the car reached 142 degrees. The car's interior motion alarm went off four times because the child was moving inside, according to a police affidavit.
Police have said Timothy was left in the car after he rode along as his father drove three other older children to school. We'll have the latest beginning on NewsChannel 9 at 5:00 p.m.
7:15 AM - 3 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment | |
05/22/2007  | In defense of a friend Granted, I do not know exactly what was written or said. But what I do know has infuriated me. So I shall lash out in the same manner as the villain who hath slenderized one of the kindest, most resilient people that I have ever had the privilege to encounter. My good friend has been attacked by a malevolent man, who seems to vitiate all that is good around him. Someone whose own reputation should have been enough to prevent him from attacking anyone, especially my compassionate friend. This uneducated bombast will not be tolerated. My friend is doughty, intelligent, witty, and loyal. None of these qualities can be found in the perpetrator. He should be humbled that he even knows my friend. 3:17 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment | |
1 comment:
Fletch got slugged?! Holy shi-ite! Bless his heart. Is he ok now? I mean, as well as one can be with a broken nose.
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