so, what to talk about today? hmmm....Good think my mission 101 doesn't go into effect until November 1st. I'm not doing so well.
Gawl. I had a terrible personal moment today. I went out side for my lunch break. and there was this old homeless woman not doing much of anything around the subway. I had five dollars in my pocket. And yet, I could not find the courage to go up to her and ask if she wanted a sandwhich. I'm such a coward.
I did pick up someone's name badge/building key and return it to them. that involved more courage on my part than I usually put forth. But why couldn't i get that lady a hot meal? I wanted to. She needed it. I looked right at her, but I couldn't be brave enough to form the words. I think she knew i wanted to ask.
That makes it worse.
I can't get my snake to eat.
I think he has mites. I'll have to soak both him and Ami.
On the upside, Bathroom Bunny has proven to be a fairly good pet. He goes pooty and pee in his kennel. So there is almost no clean up. We plan on switching to a litter box soon for even less clean up. I highly recommend Bathroom Bunnies to everyone.
As for the dogs...
They bark way too much. But are still quite sweet. I just don't know what to do with them.
Any suggestions?
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