Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Love, love, love, love....mmmmmm

Wow. I am so glad that I'm not any age between 14-23. Wowzers!
Granted, I don't get all the hype because I didn't date around in high school or college. I was with my ex husband (dating and marriage) 7 years. So it really tickles the hell out of me when someone has been dating x amount of days/weeks/months and they "love each other". What really gets me is how moody they get when a fight or break up happens. Dude! You're 20! get over it!

Looking back, I don't think anyone under 22 needs to be in a completely exclusive relationship. Don't roll up into a ball of drama!

It's too easy to drop the L Bomb and not mean it. I'm guilty of it myself. BUT I've learned not too and that's important.

Do you know what it reminds me of when people rave on profile pages about how great and fabulous their guy/girl is? High school. What is more sickening (to me, as this is just my opinion and you know what they say about those) are the girls who make their display name "Bobby's Girl" or "Chris's Love!"....Really....that's your great claim? That is all of who you are? Your parent's never bothered to name you because they knew you'd be a sheep and take on such a lowly title?

Another thing that gets me, and i believe its just because people sling the l word as much as they sling leg, is how every person they are with is "the one" or "the love of my life". Oh get over it.

yeah, i should get over it too. But you know what? YOU'RE READING MY BLOG!
so, yeah, i get to say what i want. Just as the Love Dumb masses still get to say what they want.

I'm not saying in anyway that you can't care about someone deeply. i'm not saying that you can't fall in love that young. But real love doesn't look, act, and sound like the hallmark valentines section.

And there are people who do meet the loves of their lives early on. But i would wager that THAT is EXTREMELY rare.

So, girls, when you are 20 and you start feeling like you love someone, try the phrase "I really care about you" or " I feel so good when I'm around you". And get on some birth control. And when your fella of a year dumps or or cheats on you...YOU ARE ONLY 20 ...and that was just a year. no time at all. Ask the old folks who've been married 60 years.

Boys, you can use the same phrases. But when you are starting to get stressed out because your girl is acting weird or flying off the handle...don't mope about how you thought you'd be with her forever. Girls are crazy, (yes girls, we are), if you weren't expecting it you are a moron. Not every relationship is peaches and cream. And if all she's dated before you are assholes and you treat her nice...she'll most likely dump you if she's young because guess what turns her on? Jerks.

So, Girls, find that female empowerment or what ever, be glad you have your very own identity that is based on YOUR personality, YOUR interests, YOUR skills, YOUR life, and NOT that of the status of being with a man.

Boys, some of you need a kick in the balls just to remind you that you have them.

Right, well, that's my high horse on that. Now to improve myself just a little bit more by observing people and reading their thoughts. Because it's so much easier to identify someone else's splinter and then locate it in myself for removal.

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