Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Tennesse-Georgia Land/Water Dispute

I feel that since most everyone else has thrown in their two cents that I should as well.

As I'm sure you are aware, the Georgia government has made the most blunerous announcement that they want the border between Tennessee and Georgia revisited with the intent of taking a bit from Tennessee in order to procure some water.

First off, I'd like everyone who has, to unwad their panties. It won't happen. The federal government is very unlikely to allow this to occur.

What Georgia has managed to do is to ignite a small border dispute that will be fought out by the most ridiculous people for the most ridiculous reasons. In my head I imagine a blur of mullets and flannel. Of course it won't just be them. NEVER GIVE HUMANS A REASON TO FIGHT! We'll take it and run all over the place with it.

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