Friday, January 18, 2008

Rest in Peace (or pieces as the case may be)

RIP little bunnies

In a sad turn of events today a mother rabbit's unrelenting desire to leave the safety of the bathroom resulted in the death of two kits. Already morning the loss of one kit a few weeks ago, this comes as a hard blow to the rest of the house hold. The two surviving kits were returned to the bathroom and seem to have only suffered emotional scars. Therapy will be provided to them to return them to the tame loving pets that they were meant to be. Kit care services will be interviewing the mother to ascertain whether charges will be filed against her.

A suspect has been apprehended and charges are pending. However, defense has already released a comment stating that the ferret is a born mouser.

But really, two dead bunnies and a proud ferret. What's a girl to do?

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