Friday, July 20, 2007

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3.

Whew. So it's certainly been an eventful week. I miss Carmen.
I miss Natalia too.
I lost faith in people when i was 8. That's just a fact to point out. Yes, there is a story behind it, but I'll not burden you with it. Just giving you a reference point.
Do you know what would suit my fancy right now? Chocolate cake. Not just any chocolate cake. It must be from Rembrandt's. But, alas. No cake for me today. In a short time though that wont be so completely out of the question. Things are straightening out. My outlook on life is better.
I don't know. I suppose i must have had a sudden mood swing. I get those sometimes. It's not a huge burden or anything. Right now, I feel refreshed. I want to go home and clean out the garage, cook dinner, play tag, groom the dog, weed the garden!
I'm grining to myself at this moment because I know I have something joyful to go home to. Bills fade from thought, work slips from memory, everything is better. Little smiling faces await me with love in their eyes and wild squeals of joy. Nothing tops that. Nothing at all. Things happen for a reason. I'll take the reasons I have my children any day. I wouldn't go back and change a thing. No matter how traumatic, how awful, how lonely, or great, fun, entertaining. good or bad.

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