Now, we realize that three months is no big deal, we are just celebratory kind of people. Well, the snafu was that on that day I was to attend my company picnic at Lake Winnie , so we decided to put off a special "just me and him" activity for Sunday (the 28th).
It was too late to go swimming over at mom's after we left the park (and there was a storm coming in) so we popped off and picked up some rum for me (low proof) and some scotch for the hubby. We invited our good buddies Jessica and Alex over for a few drinks and to watch a movie. Jessica and I got to go rent the movie. The redbox didn't have much of a selection so we went over to block buster (where it is retardedly expensive to rent a movie). We rented what has to be the best B movie of 2009. Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus!
We didn't get plastered or anything like that, not even buzzed. That wasn't the point. It was just a fun relaxing evening with friends.
Then came Sunday.....
The weather was lovely and we woke up late, so we decided to start our day with lunch at Captain D's. Well, it being Sunday and lunch time, Captain's was packed! So we booked up back up two blocks to Long John Silvers where the crowd was much smaller. Upon entering Ft. O we passed a sign for horseback riding through the Chickamauga Battlefield. That definitely sounded like something neat we could do together! So we jotted down the number to call later. We also passed a place that rented motor scooters for $15 an hour for a self tour of the battlefield. We jotted that one down too!
Having just eaten and it being such a pretty day outside, we decided to go to my mom's to swim for a while. (don't worry, it took us at least 30 minutes to get there and get settled, so we didn't break that rule about swimming). We swam for about an hour and talked about which we'd rather do, ride horses or scooters. Josh (my hubby) called the horse back riding place and they wanted $45 dollars per person for a 45 minute to one hour guided trail ride. Ouch that's pricey! We don't have money like that for such a quick trip, plus it's guided and that takes out some of the adventure! Luckily Josh's friend Phy had done the scooter thing before with his dad and they said they had a blast. So we call up the place and confirm that it is an hour ride for $15 dollars and you got to go anywhere in the park as long as it was on road. No guide, go as fast or slow as you are comfortable with (and with what is legal). All right! We had a plan and I was giddy with anticipation! This was going to be my new adventure. I've never been on anything more than a bicycle and Josh said if you can ride a bicycle you can ride a scooter. So, yeah, I got this, I'm all OVER this.
So we tell my mom we'll be back over later to pick up some squash she'd just picked from her garden and we run over to our house. I put on some longer blue jean shorts (my favorite pair) and a green shirt that wouldn't show clevage and put on some sneakers. We rode back over to the scooter place and picked out our scooters. The owner said that since we seemed like such nice responsible people he wouldn't charge the security deposit of $100, which I thought was just uber sweet of him.
I picked out a red one and Josh picked out a black one. Helmets were included. They gave me a quick educational in the parking lot, which I did fine with. I went around four or five times with little trouble. So we took off toward the park! I followed Josh into the park and we turned left at the first red light. It was sooo much fun! So outside my normal safe zone. Josh stopped just down the road to let me stop and make sure I was comfortable driving. My arms were starting to get a little tired but I was fine. This was just too cool.
So we took off again. We went over a couple of little bumps and I handled them just fine. I'd been on my scooter probably 7 minutes by this point and only going about 20-25 miles an hour. Now into the park proper!
So there I am, pretty as you please, following my husband around the bend. Suddenly there is a dip in the road, the front wheel starts going crazy! I can't control it! OH SHIT!
To be continued...