Monday, November 26, 2007


Five tips for a woman.....

1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.
2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.
3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to you.
4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.
5. It is important that these four men don't know each other.

hahaha...but seriously... monogamy is good.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My mom hates tattoos

She's such a conformist...haha. But no, really. She really get disgusted with me about mine. Fortunately she doesn't say much about them. I had the feeling though she was going to hurl when she saw the one on my arm. Poor lady.

No one else in my family has them, with the exception of my Uncle's TKE ankle tattoo. I specifically remember him telling me that if I ever got a tattoo that I would regret it just like he does. I've had tattoos for going on 10 years now...I wonder when the regret kicks in... I find it really odd though that I am the only one in my family that diggs the ink. My bio dad is a theatre actor and thrives on being odd and excentric. Perhaps being a 6'9" tall man is enough of an oddity. My mother goes between super hippy, native medicine woman, and eclectic artist several times a day.

Where do I get if from then? My bluesy other uncle has no tattoos. My aunts are all buisness women. My grandmother is a very proper lady and my granny is an old school farm chick.

I don't know.

Even my sisters, only 4 years younger than me aren't into tattoos. Sure, one is all for crazy hair, which I also love, but that's pretty much it. The other is extremely straight laced. And my little brother? Nah, he's too busy with the emo skater thing.

Maybe it's my friends...but no...most of my friends don't have tattoos. Even my boyfriend (who is actually into tattoos) just got his first one. My ex-husband, he had several. That was one thing we actually did have in common.

I don't think I like them for shock value considering that 90% of the time I'm in a long sleave button up shirt, so you can't see them.

Regardless of where it comes from, I love them. I want more of them. They make me feel different and pretty. Not different because I have tattoos, but different in that my tattoos are not the same as someone else's tattoos. It's like birthmarks, everyone's are different.

Yeah, I think that's all I've got to say about that at the moment. Just a ponderance...

Friday, November 16, 2007

I've been elfed!

haha, it's uber funn!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hey Carta woe carta!

They might think theys somebody (trips on the carta)
Current mood: devious

I like the carta bus thing.

wow, i just got off the bus with some grade A trashiness :) You have to love it.

Picture yourself a nice 5'4" 80 pound white girl in a midriff shirt and her 220 pound overall wearing boytoy. I've nothing against this look mind you, just setting the scene.

She was so proud of herself, bragging to the black woman with her jazzy bound old man. Apparently she is no longer allowed on a certain downtown business's property. Why? For cussing a woman and threatening to cut her with something in her purse (which was one of those shiny silver tiny clutch bag things).

And then, I quote her boyfriend, "boy, you give somebody from the ghetto a little authority and they think theys somebody"
to which she responds "if they made ME manager of the taco bell i'd shut that hell hole down"
"and fire that nasty bitch"

It was classy. Of course they continued. This was a monumental ordeal!
They were talking about the woman that she cussed and apparently she said something like "nobody raises their voice to me".
Well dear oh dear! She did not just tell little trashy to back off!
The guy mocks her in their grand story telling saying "oh no body raises a voice to her, she's somebody!"


It was funny the white trash redneck trying to explain to the trashy black people about how people from the ghetto can't get authority with out thinking "theys somebody"

To add to the flavor of the situation they continued into a story about how the trashy fight girl and the good ol' boy are getting married so she could move into his halfway house.

Apparently that's a step up from where she is currently

Then to top it off i pulled the string to signal i want the bus to stop at my stop
so the driver turns it off and says "does anyone want off at the library" so i said yes. Not loud enough it seemed because he drove past the stop.
So at the redlight we stood up to get off even though it wasn't at an official "stop".
The driver said "I asked if anyone wanted off"
so i said "and i said yes, that's why i pulled the string" as I was leaving the freebee bus.

I wouldn't have pulled the string if i didn't want off there. The driver was the one who turned off the signal. Why else would I have pulled it? To listen to the pleasant ding?

Anyway, interesting 5 minute ride.

Friday, November 9, 2007

How bored do YOU get?

man do i wish!

Your Daddy Is Patrick Stewart

What You Call Him: Pops

Why You Love Him: He knows best

Read me a story pops!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's about that time again

Hello thought dump? and how are we today?
I'll tell you right now that I'm sore. I got a pmnomia shot monday and my arm has been in pain ever since. and then on my other arm i have this dandy
which is awesome, but that leaves me sleeping on my back, which i hate doing.

i had a dream last night that i was having another baby. It was kinda sad because i wasn't excited about it, more resigned to my fate. So, I'm glad that i actually can't have anymore. I don't ever want to feel so lack luster about my offspring.
Then I woke up this morning and my Moon cycle had started. so i'm all sore around the phlopian tubes.

Speaking of moon cycles and fertility. for you ladies who are done birthing children and are terrible about birth control, let me introduce you to . that's what i did. it's great.

blarg, i need coffee. I'm going to go get some now. Love you all! (sure i do....)